Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Healthcare career planning

Career Planning in Healthcare Management
by K.M.Vishnu Babu

After your post graduation, now your position is to search a place to find a good job. How are you going to find your right place?

To understand, you have to do lot of paper work in your home before you take decision.

The following elements will help you to access your next step clearly.

1. You have to sit in a calm place where your thinking and work should not be disturbed.

2. Do evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT analysis) with you. This will help you to find out where at present you are standing.

3. You have to take your strength area first and find out relevant jobs available in the Healthcare field.

At the same time, you should not for get to convert your weakness and Thread to convert into Strength and Opportunity.

To make these things possible, you may have to work hard and devote huge time to make these things possible.

You know your strength after this analysis, now what is my next step?
How can I select my new job in an organization? As a Management Trainee or Supervisor or Manager or CEO?

These things will strike in your mind when you decided to take a post in your career.

As I said, it is totally depends on your capability and your knowledge. Most of the time, we have seen that IIM and reputed management school students are placed in higher position than any other institutions. Why?

If you see the most of the candidate from these institutions, they are already got work experience and proven knowledge in their field. So, they are successful.

Once again I am telling you that the success is always depends on your capability and most importantly the Certificate only not standing to retain the offered job, at the same time they are all executing their tasks with very good present mind and applying common sense to succeed.

So, I would like to add most import point is don’t do different things when you joined in a new job, prove yourself that you will do things different in your organistaion. Best of luck for your future career.

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